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‘Message From The ’ 
 ' Marathi Shala, HMM

🙏 Namaskar Houstonkars🙏

We have kicked off the second semester of the 2024-25 Shala year after the winter break. The students are enjoying learning Marathi and participating in various activities at all our branches. A big thank you to all the parents, teachers and coordinators for your continued support and efforts and volunteering their time to ensure that our students are learning Marathi playfully.

If any of you are interested in enrolling your kids in HMM Marathi Shala, please fill out the interest form on Marathi Shala webpage. Shala accepts children in the 5-15 years age range, enrolled in an ISD. Shala currently has branches in Cypress, Katy and Sugarland. We will also be opening a branch in The Woodlands in the 2025-26 Shala year (Woodlands branch interest form –

HMM Marathi Shala Insta Page –
HMM Marathi Shala FB Page –

HMM family membership is mandatory for enrolling and being part of Shala.

If you have any specific questions about HMM Marathi Shala, please email secretaryhmmshala AT Gmail Dot Com

Warm regards,
Amrut Athavale
Principal, HMM Marathi Shala
Houston Maharashtra Mandal

A Special Thanks to Our Sponsors