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We invite you to celebrate 72nd Indian Republic Day on 26th & 29th January 2022.

We are presenting a virtual event – ‘In conversation with Mr. Parag Tope
A rare opportunity to have live interaction with our guest speaker Mr. Parag Tope (Great Grandson of Shri Tatya Tope)

He is a history researcher, thinker and author of the book ‘Operation Red Lotus’ which is a book of historic significance.

Program Details:
Part-1 – 26th January: We will be posting a video presentation by Mr. Parag Tope on the events of 1857, 1948 and his book ‘Operation Red Lotus’ to HMM Facebook page.

Part-2- 29th January at 10:00     AM:  We will have a live interactive session with Mr. Parag Tope. It will include live chat, discussion on “operation Red Lotus’ along with other topics and a Question & Answer session.  

Please email us your questions/comments/feedback for Parag to below mentioned email id. We will try to include as many as we can in the live program. 
Email:  cultural@houstonmaharashtramandal.org