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Waiver of Liability, Release, Assumption of Risk & Indemnity Agreement:

I understand that by signing this Childcare Waiver of Liability, I release and hold harmless Houston Maharashtra Mandal, and its members, directors, volunteers, childcare workers, and all other persons or entities acting for them from any and all claims, demands, suits, cost and charges, in connection with or arising out of childcare service, including but not limited to, personal injury, property damage, bodily harm, injury, liability, claims, demands, damages, cost, expenses, actions and causes of action in respect of death, loss or damage to the child, or by the child, regardless of cause or to arise by reason of or during participation in the Childcare during Ashrunchi Zali Phule natak at University of Houston on April 29th 2022. I understand that if my child should become inconsolable, I am responsible to attend to my child/children. I will be responsible to feed my child/children and have my child/children use the restroom prior to start of class time to the best of my abilities. I understand I must remain on the University of Houston Student center premises. By signing below I consent to be contacted during child care hours via telephone, pre-recorded message, and text messages on behalf of Houston Maharashtra Mandal at the telephone number provided.